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Feb / 9 / 2015

The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulation PS14/9 related to custody assets and client money has a backstop for implementation of 1 June 2015. Compliance with the rules in the client assets sourcebook (CASS) has never been more...

Aug / 22 / 2014

When you hear those letters, SEC, what comes to mind? To some it's the call sign of a superhero tasked with protecting the American people from fraud and keeping Wall Street accountable. To others it's a dreaded governmental bureaucracy creating endless paperwork and...

Aug / 14 / 2014

You know there are problems with your current manual reconciliation process. It’s not efficient – there are way too many people ‘ticking and tying’ when they could be doing so much more. It’s open to risk and difficult to report on – unstandardized. Jack...

Feb / 6 / 2014

Risk Mitigation Techniques such as Portfolio Reconciliation for uncleared trades must be applied by firms as described in article 13 of the EMIR regulation. Depending your exact business this can be an easy exercise or a real burden. When you are a non-financial...

Aug / 9 / 2012

Evolution of account reconciliation solutions Software solutions dealing with account reconciliation have been around since the 1960s.  Originally developed on mainframes, they were designed to automate the ‘ticking and tying’ of transactions to ensure that...

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